History of parachutes!!!

We should fly like a bird in sky,when man started to think about it from that day only 
Man started to work on making such a gadget or object which can help him to travel on the air. 
That gadget or object is now known as parachutes. 

 According to new analysis term parachute was mentioned at first in year 1470. This period 
  This period in Europe was considered as time of social Awakening. 

   The basic digram of parachute can be found today in a British museum in book.same picture can also be found on the name of a big painter Leonardo da Vinci it was named as the flaying machine. Getting inspired by this picture in year 1595 fausto vhinorzinio designed parachute. 
Fausto use to love science a lot. He didn't stop by just making designe but he made a parachute and tested it by jumping from a bell tower,but this incident was written after 30 years due to it no one is confident about this event. 

  In year 1783 Louis Sebastian of France created 
First modern parachute an tested it success fully by jumping from a tower just after two years another scientist experimented using a dog he 
Tied the dig to a parachute and Tron it from a hot air balloon. few years he tried this 

experiment on himself in 1793. Grant Martin was first to land successfully by jumping from a aeroplane using parachute. 

 The parachute Wich we wear toady,using that parachute the man who jumped first was Albert Leo and the day was 1st March 1912 


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